If you’re looking for a digital advertising agency that can deliver impressive results and innovative solutions, then look no further. From display ads, video ads, to social ads, we do it ALL!


Maximize your ROI with Actuate Media’s comprehensive digital advertising services.

With Actuate Media’s vast expertise in digital advertising platforms including Google Display Network, YouTube Ads, social media ads, and OTT advertising, your business is destined to drive conversions and maximize ROI. Our seasoned professionals take a data-driven approach to develop tailored campaigns that cater to your unique business needs. With an unwavering focus on transparency, our team provides insightful reports and analysis to help you understand the impact of your investment. Trust us to deliver measurable results and elevate your brand’s online presence with our comprehensive digital advertising services. Contact us today to learn more!

video advertising


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Search Engine Optimization

Google Ads SEM Premier Partner
Best SEM Agency
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Top SEM Agency
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Display campaigns provide visually appealing advertisements on the Google Display Network, which includes millions of websites, apps, and Google-owned platforms like YouTube and Gmail.

You can effectively target and engage potential customers by utilizing display campaigns as they explore various digital channels. This comprehensive approach simplifies the management of multiple factors involved in display advertising and proves to be an efficient strategy for expanding your customer base and driving conversions. With a Display campaign, you can showcase ads in a wide range of formats across the Google Display Network, ensuring that you reach individuals at all stages of the purchasing process – from those with expressed interests to those who are ready to purchase.


In the digital advertising world, YouTube is one of the most valuable platforms. With over 2 billion monthly active users, it’s no wonder why more and more businesses are investing in high-performance YouTube advertising. But what does it take to achieve success in this arena? In short, it’s all about knowing your audience, creating compelling content, and leveraging the proper targeting and optimization strategies. Done correctly, YouTube ads can help you build brand awareness, increase conversions, and drive revenue. So don’t be afraid to dive into this exciting world – with a little hard work and know-how, you can take your YouTube advertising game to the next level.

youtube advertising solutions
social media lead generation


Social media advertising has become one of the most effective ways to reach potential customers. With platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, businesses can connect with their audience more personally than ever before. Whether through Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads, or Twitter Ads, social media advertising allows companies to target specific demographics, gather valuable data, and ultimately increase their bottom line. It’s no wonder that more and more businesses are turning to social media advertising as a primary marketing strategy. With the right approach, social media advertising can be a game-changer for your business.


OTT advertising has become an integral part of today’s digital media landscape. With traditional TV viewership declining, advertisers are turning to OTT platforms to connect with their target audience. Unlike conventional TV ads, OTT advertising allows for more precise targeting and measurable results. However, with the abundance of OTT options available, it can be overwhelming for advertisers to determine which platform will provide the highest ROI. That’s where Actuate Media’s OTT advertising solutions come in. These solutions offer various services, including audience targeting, ad placement optimization, and measurement and attribution. By utilizing these solutions, advertisers can streamline their OTT advertising efforts and ensure their message reaches the right audience at the right time.

OTT Advertising That Rocks

Elevate your digital advertising

Get a free quote to see how our Digital Advertising Agency can help your business! 

Working with Actuate Media FAQs

At Actuate Media, our pricing structure is transparent and designed to offer maximum value to our clients. For digital advertising, we charge a competitive management fee ranging from 15-20%, ensuring that our expertise and hands-on approach drive effective and efficient campaign results. In contrast, when it comes to SEO services, we operate on a flat-rate basis, providing clarity and predictability in your investment. We’re committed to delivering unparalleled service and performance, ensuring every dollar spent translates into optimal online visibility and growth.

We believe in cultivating genuine and collaborative relationships with our clients, which is why our digital advertising contracts are straightforward and flexible. We operate on a month-to-month basis, requiring just a 30-day cancellation notice. This ensures our clients stay with us because they value and trust our expertise, not because they’re bound by lengthy contractual obligations. We’re dedicated to delivering exceptional results and seek partnerships with clients who genuinely want to work with us, making our mutual success the core of the relationship, rather than long-term contractual ties.

Transparency isn’t just a buzzword; it’s foundational to how we operate and build trust with our clients. As part of our collaborative approach, we work directly within our client’s Google Ads accounts, among other platforms, ensuring an open and transparent view of all activities and metrics. This hands-on method not only fosters genuine transparency but also guarantees there are no hidden fees or mark-ups on advertising spending. We pride ourselves on our forthright approach, ensuring our clients always know where and how their investments are being utilized.

Taking Actuate Media’s digital advertising services for a spin is a risk-free venture, thanks to our no-contract policy. Our flexible approach allows businesses to effectively test and compare our offerings. While display and social media advertising campaigns can run concurrently for a direct comparison, it’s essential to note that SEM and SEO are distinct strategies and aren’t run simultaneously. This setup, combined with our commitment to transparency and no long-term obligations, makes partnering with us a low-risk, high-reward decision for any business aiming to amplify its digital presence.

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